Cross to new economy

1, 2, 3 to new economy

Define the Essential Value Offer of your company

Define the Essential Value Offer of your company

Partly based on the Minimal Viable Product concept of lean startups, applying "internet thinking" we will guide you through the process of simplifying your product offer in order to have an unique, simple and essential value offering matching your (potential new) costumers needs and demand

Define your new business model (and value chain)

Define your new business model (and value chain)

Starting from the defined minimal value offer you will have to redefine your value chain in order to make your new offering extremely easy and fast accessible. Your product should be accessible in 3 clicks. We will guide you through the process of reorganizing your value chain and if necessary to define and search for new needed partners.

Build your new business

  • Build the online configurator for your new product.
  • Adapt and optimize your production capacity on the work floor and logistics for fast delivery.
  • Manage necessary alliances and/or collaborations.

Let us know your challenges! Download Case study

Download our white paper: Bricks and clicks, collaboration between e-commerce and on demand manufacturing, explaining the Casebuilder Case and how to face the challenge of the new economy for manufacturing SMEs