View the TEDX Barcelona event video
Crossmo founder Menno Marien, presented 3 ways of managing cocreation
at the TED conference in Barcelona. Comparing and extracting
learnings from playing and directing a music orchestra. Scores are very
prescriptive allowing for little freedom to co-create, however, it permits for
control and replicability. Cord schedules only prescribe a structure at a
high level, allowing for freedom to co-create by the team members.
Control is limited to setting the broad vision and strategy to the team,
allowing freedom to co-create within the borders of a broad frane. Playing
in an agreed key provides a very broad vision and the maximum freedom
for co-creation. Management is more complex and has to deal with
unforeseen and not predictable results. Each of the three forms can be
used in the same company, but applied in different moments and
situations of a product or business development process.